Indonesian Language
Bahasa Indonesia is the official language of Indonesia, including Bali, so if you are traveling in Bali, while the Balinese people prefer to speak Balinese, a language with its own distinct characteristics, in daily interactions and especially in tourist areas, most Balinese people are proficient in Bahasa Indonesia and often know some basic English. Here are some basic phrases in Bahasa Indonesia that can be used throughout the archipelago.
Hello - Halo Good morning - Selamat pagi Good afternoon - Selamat siang
Good evening - Selamat sore Good night - Selamat malam Until we meet again (Bye)-Sampai jumpa lagi
Basic Numbers:
One - Satu Two - Dua Three - Tiga Four - Empat Five - Lima Six - Enam
Seven-Tujuh Delapan- Eight Nine-Sembilan Ten-Sepuluh Eleven- Sebelas
Twelve- Dua Belas Thirteen-Tiga Belas Fourteen-Empat Belas Fifteen-Lima Belas etc.
Twenty- Dua Puluh Thirty-tiga puluh
Forty- Empat Puluh Fifty-Lima Puluh etc. One Hundred-Seratus
Two Hundred- Dua Ratus Three hundred- Tiga Ratus etc. One Thousand-Seribu Two Thousand- Dua Ribu Three thousand- Tiga Ribu
etc. One million- Satu Juta Two million- dua Juta etc.
Directions/ locations:
Where is...? - Di mana...? Left - Kiri Right - Kanan Straight Ahead - Lurus
North - Utara South - Selatan
East - Timur West - Barat In front: Di Depan Behind-Di Belakang
Under-di bawah Above- Di Atas Inside: Di Dalam Outside: Di Luar Near- Dekat Far-Jauh
Common Phrases/Words:
How much is this? - Berapa harganya? I don't understand - Saya kurang mengerti.
Can you help me? - Bisa bantu saya?/Minta tolong I need a taxi - Saya butuh taksi.
Where is the toilet? - Di mana kamar kecil? Thank you - Terima kasih You're welcome - Sama-sama
Excuse me -Permisi I'm sorry - Minta ma'af (Ma'af Yes - Ya No/not - Tidak
No/not (if involves a noun)-bukan
Don't- Jangan Please/ to request- Minta Watch out!- Awas! Be careful- Hati-hati
Stop-Berhenti Good- Bagus Bad-Jelek This- Ini That-Itu
Eating Out:
Menu - Menu Fried-Goreng baked/grilled-Bakar Water - Air Cooked rice - Nasi Noodles-Mie Chicken - Ayam Fish-Ikan Laut
Meat- Daging Beef- Daging Sapi Pork-Daging Babi I don't eat meat-Saya tidak makan daging
Spicy Indonesian condiment-Sambal Spicy- Pedas drink/drinks-Minum/Minuman Eat/food-Makan/Makanan
Bill, please - Tolong mau bayar Vegetables - Sayuran Buahan- Fruits Banana-Pisang Pineapple- Anas Orange-Jeruk
Bread/Toast-Roti Egg-Telur cheese- Keju Coffee-Kopi Tea-Teh Milk-Susu Hot-Panas Cold-Dingen Tofu-Tahu Tempe-Tempe
Help! - Tolong! I need a doctor - Saya butuh dokter I feel sick- Saya sakit
Medicine- Obat Stomach-Perut Head-Kepala Fall-Jatuh Police - Polisi Hospital - Rumah sakit Ambulance - Ambulans
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